De-Stress and Empower

Get Out of Your Head and into Your Body



Feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? Let Ann take your stress away with a healing session. You will leave your stress behind you and find more joy and simplicity.


Are you ready to stretch your body and mind into a new range of strength, flexibility and ease? Ann provides private yoga, classes and workshops customized to fit your specific needs. Offerings include: Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, Kids Yoga, Myofascial Release, Meditation and more.

Somatic Empowerment & Transformation Coaching Trauma Sensitive

Are you feeling stressed out mentally, physically and emotionally? Somatic Empowerment & Transformational coaching will shift old patterns of behavior so that you can enjoy more freedom and empowerment in your body, mind and spirit.

Connect with Ann to discuss your needs.

“It was an amazing experience working with Ann to uncover my Soul’s Agenda! She took her time to get to know and understand me, and helped me find what resonated the most with me on a spiritual level.
Her kindness, patience, openness and keen sense of connection really made it a wonderful experience that I’ve already recommended to several friends. If you’re considering finding your Soul’s Agenda, take the leap with Ann at your side and you’ll be grateful that you did!”


“I met Ann when I was struggling with chronic pain and illness.  She very gently and with great mentorship helped me to regain my strength physically, emotionally and most importantly spiritually by her thoughtful combination of yoga, energy work and meditation.

Ann has a unique talent of adapting to whatever the day/event brings and without hesitation delivers a yoga experience unique to the needs of her attendees.  She has been a pleasure to learn from, practice with and has become a lifelong friend.”


“Yoga is a very personal journey and I am lucky to have found Anne. She is a very special woman! Through her classes she teaches you to be kind and accepting of yourself. My body and soul feel nourished after a class with Anne.


“ I have been studying Yoga with Ann for three years. I am 68 years old and determined to continue downhill skiing. Here are some specific reasons why her Yoga classes help keep me on the slopes: Increased mental focus when navigating the ski slopes and improved joint and muscle tone. I already feel “warmed up” when I begin skiing, Able to handle spills and get right back up, Increased my endurance to ski all day, Improved breathing techniques help me never to feel I am out of breath, and I feel Better overall mental /physical balance on the slopes Thank you!

Jack B

Ann is a plethora of healing Information and guidance! Seriously, I could talk with her for hours! I really enjoyed working together and discovering my “Soul’s Purpose” ….which was Unconditional Love. Immediately, I incorporated this insight into my personal and business life. Practicing unconditional love for myself and my clients has helped to reduce anxiety and create a more positive and harmonious energy in everything I do. This was a fun & cool process of getting great insight into life! Thank you, Ann.

Robin G

Meet Ann

Ann has always been passionate about health, fitness and the mind/body connection. Her purpose has always been to center empower, support, and serve others so that they can enjoy the wealth of health available in their bodies. As a child she was involved in competitive and individual sports which proved that she was a team player and had a certain discipline in her own right. Physical exercise and nature have always been very important to Ann. Growing up on a farm enabled her to have experiences with Nature that others could only dream of.

In her younger years Ann always felt different and that there was something missing in her life. She needed to find what that was. It was in helping serve others through healing modalities that she started to see the mind body connection and find her purpose more clearly. Taking Yoga training in 2012-2013 really opened the door for this deeper understanding. It has all come together now with the most current training in Sensation Based Mindset Coaching.

Ann is certified in the following:

  • 200 hour Body Matrix Hatha and Vinyasa Flow Training
  • Kidding Around Yoga (KAY)
  • YogaFit Teacher Training Level One
  • YogaFit Props Workshop
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
  • Myofascial Release
  • Meridian Yoga
  • Yin Yoga Teacher Training Foundation Level 1
  • Designing Sequencing & Transforming Adjustments
  • Baron Baptiste 40 days to Personal Revolution
  • Spinning Lifetime Certified and AFAA
  • Practical Yoga Instructor Training
  • Girl Power Go Instructor
  • Ensofic Ray, Jikiden Reiki and Crystal Healing
  • Sensation Based Mindset Coaching
  • Core Centering Practitioner

Along with the practice of yoga she enjoys biking, walking, scrapbooking, gardening, and walking Rosie, her Beagle. She is the mother of 2 daughters who have taught her many valuable lessons in life.

Ann considers it an honor to share her practice and expertise with her clients and students, and is thankful for the wisdom and love received from all of her teachers.

See What's Happening


Fall Relaxation and Reset Retreat:

Sunday: 10/13/24

9:00 – 4:30 pm.

Unity Farm Sanctuary 

Sherborn, MA. 01770

Find out more & register here.


(Virtual Experience – Learn Your Soul’s Purpose) 

More to come…

Any questions?

Reach Ann at: [email protected]

“I love yoga with Miss Anne because you get to do fun poses.  Sometimes you get to make up your own poses.  We play fun games and get to put pom poms between our toes!”

Finn, Age 8

“Ann is amazing!  She is an excellent yoga instructor who gave me confidence as a new yoga student.  She has inspired me to grow in my own practice. Her superior knowledge of yoga and healing techniques combined with physiology knowledge and her radiant personality make me want to practice with her as much as possible. Her positive energy is infectious.  Ann has an uncanny ability to know just what you need when you practice with her.

I love yoga because of Ann!  She has changed my life for the better. I thank you for being in my life!”


“If you haven’t taken Ann’s class before you are in for a REAL TREAT! She is so focused and will create an aura of relaxation. Ann always has good and memorable sayings and quotes at the end of the class that are very memorable and timely. I’ve been using her “words” for years, always reposting to keep in check. Ann is truly the BEST — never disappoints. Wish I was closer so I could join in. Be Well. and ROCK ON!”


Coaching Testimonial:

“Today I had a sensation-based mindset coaching session with Anne where we identified a tightness/compression feeling I’ve had in my right upper chest. I have been feeling this for about five years and noticed it when I was in a toxic relationship 5 years ago. I would notice it when I got anxious or upset. It has continued to follow me for the last five years and when I feel stressed or anxious I feel the tightness in my upper right chest area.  I am scheduled to undergo a thoracotomy/lobectomy/sleeve resection in a few days and want to clear everything weighing on me from my chest area. 

Anne had me ground myself feeling support in my feet and my back and close my eyes and imagine/focus on the tightness or ball, as I described it, that was giving me the feeling of compression in my upper chest area. Then we identified a release area which was the top of my head. As we went back-and-forth focusing on the tightness/compression to the release area, she had me expand both areas. As I focused on the expansion, I could literally feel as though the ball had cracked open and was moving up through my neck through the right side of my head and released out of my body at the top of my head.  

As it was releasing tears began streaming down my face and I felt such a relief in releasing that tension I’ve been holding for so long. Tears streamed from my eyes for several minutes and I began to feel the calmness and a warmth in my entire upper chest area. It spread throughout my whole chest area down to the center of my torso and gave me a sense of calmness and happiness. 

It was truly amazing the lightness that I felt in that area afterwords.

Thank you so much for your coaching and the time to sit with me. It was fascinating to experience…like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”


Ann has a wonderfully calming and centering energy. I have been dealing with some limiting beliefs and patterns that have left me feeling heavy and negative. Ann easily helped me zero in on these old emotional patterns and shift my thoughts and energy to something that feels light and supportive of who I want to be. She also gave me tools and homework I could implement in between our sessions to keep the momentum going. This was all without dredging up too much of the past or going into the “story” of everything. I recommend her to anyone who is ready to break unhelpful patterns and make positive shifts in their life. Thank you, Ann.

Annie Little 

Ascension Program:

I have gained clarity and confidence as a result of the Ascension program. I hold a new found self-respect and self-esteem which allows me to stand up for myself. I benefited from the accountability in that I became more aware of the ways I was getting stuck.

Kathy White 

Myofascial Release Testimonial:

Before taking Ann’s Myofascial Release session (Ball Rolling), I was feeling stressed and my body had been aching for weeks, I had been battling the flu for the second time this winter. It felt so good to learn the techniques to help relieve that tension such as “pinning” and “rolling”. While doing the work in one area of the body such as my feet or shins, I also noticed that other parts of my body were softening – pressure on the foot’s arch released tension from my shoulders. I enjoyed Ann’s step by step instructions, how she addressed the emotions that emerged for different people, and her support during our discoveries. Thank you so much Ann for helping me to feel comfortable in my body again!

Telma Sullivan

Every session with Ann is a journey of discovery. The experiences are filled with new perspectives and insights that keep me engaged and inspired. I appreciate her ability to blend body and breath work, mind work, her own life’s journey, and her love of learning and sharing to ensure that no two days on the mat are ever the same. She has helped me to find ease, flexibility, mental clarity, and calm that I have often found difficult to access when I’ve needed it the most. Through her yoga classes and myofascial release workshops I have learned to recognize that slower, intentional movement, and breath is valuable to my sleep, my focus, and my daily recovery routines. An exceptional companion to all of “life’s workouts!” 

Kathy Nolan 

Retreat Testimonial:

I recently participated in Ann’s Stress Reduction and Self Care Retreat.  I have been a student of Ann’s for some time now.  Her calming presence married together with her extensive knowledge base and intuitive way of imparting such useful information make her the perfect facilitator for this retreat.

I tend to live in my head, usually focused on how I can help others/make their day/life better.  Everyday, I struggle to be “present in the moment”.  We all “know” that we should take better care of ourselves.  It isn’t always easy to do. 

Ann’s retreat gave me useful, everyday tools to take better care of myself, to get out of my head and to be present, in the moment.  Utilizing these techniques has reduced my everyday stress levels.  The stressors are not gone but my reactions to them have changed. 

I commented, to Ann, that I had some trepidation regarding signing up for the full day retreat as I had an out of town event that evening.  I was concerned about being mentally drained for the evening.  What I found was that the exact opposite proved true.  I had been able to spend the day, very present, in Ann’s teachings.  At the end of the retreat, I found that I felt very balanced and had plenty of energy for the evening at hand. 

We all have stressors in our lives.  This retreat would benefit anyone who is open to receiving the information and is willing to embrace the techniques that Ann so expertly leads the participants through.

Maureen Brown




Connect With Ann

[email protected]

Connect with Ann to discuss your needs.

Copyright 2024 Shine Your Light Healing & Yoga